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維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒







  • 添加1000IU維他命D3,改善血液循環,降低血管硬度
  • 含有90ugMK-7形式維他命K2,抑制鈣沉積在血管中和附著在動脈壁
  • 海內外研究顯示,每日攝取90μg-360μg的維他命K2,可以阻止甚至修正動脈鈣化
  • 對於服用阿士匹靈的人士,可幫助改善阿士匹靈引起的出血問題
  • PTP獨立包裝,方便攜帶

  • Added 1000 IU Vitamin D3 to improve blood circulation and reduce vascular stiffness
  • Contains 90μg of MK-7 form of Vitamin K2, which inhibits calcium deposition in blood vessels and arterial walls
  • Studies conducted locally and internationally have shown that daily intake of 90μg-360μg of Vitamin K2 can prevent and even reverse arterial calcification
  • Beneficial for individuals taking aspirin, as it helps improve bleeding issues caused by aspirin
  • PTP independent packaging makes traveling easier

Natural vitamin K2 with more than 95% vitamin MK-7, and most physiologically active vitamin D3

天然維生素 K2搭配最具生理活性的維生素 D3

What do the Vitamins K2 and D3 do?


Natural Vitamin K2 with more than 95% Vitamin MK-7 Vitamin K2 helps maintain normal bones, healthy cartilage and strong teeth.

Vitamin K2 not only helps keep the bones healthy, but also contributes to a healthy heart and normal blood clotting.

Vitamin K2 in the form of MenaQ-7® Crystals the purest form of natural MK-7 with very high bioavailability.


Vitamin K2, as MK-7, similar to the Vitamin K present in the traditional Japanese breakfast

日本傳統早餐中存在維生素K2 MK-7類

Natto is the main component of a traditional Japanese breakfast. It is made of fermented soybeans and not particularly attractive to Westerners because it has a pungent smell and is quite sticky. Fortunately, this superior form of vitamin K – MenaQ-7® Crystals – is available as a supplement. Moreover, MenaQ-7® Crystals is 100% soybean-free.

不過幸運的是,咱們可以通過補充劑的形式,來獲取維生素 K - MenaQ-7 ® 晶體 - 。
而且,MenaQ-7 ® Crystals 100% 不含大豆。

Vitamin D3, the most physiologically active Vitamin D3


Vitamin D3 (the sun vitamin) not only helps maintain healthy bones, but also contributes to normal blood calcium levels and the maintenance of good muscle and immune system functioning.

There are two forms of vitamin D: vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). D3 is mainly found in oily fish and is identical to the vitamin D produced by the body. That is why vitamin D3 is used by the body at least three times more efficiently than D2.


維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK
維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK
維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK
維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK
維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK
維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK
維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK
維他命K2+D3 防血管硬化 健骨配方 60粒 - WHC HK