關於WHC | About WHC

1999年,Jo Wyckmans先生首創使用分子蒸餾技術來精煉純度,初代產品EPA含量較DHA稍高。經過長達2年的反覆技術優化,終於成功生產出高純度Omega-3補劑。隨後,他投資並參與了KD Pharma工廠的建設,在批量生產過程中,以二氧化碳(CO₂)為媒介,獨創超臨界流體色譜(SFC)技術,進行非常環保的魚油精煉提純。
基於SFC(超臨界流體色譜)提煉工藝的Omega-3產品,具有世界上最高純度和最高濃度。這種特殊的CO₂蒸餾工藝自始至終都堅持環保、綠色的健康理念,在發展技術的同時保護地球生態平衡。Jo Wyckmans和Dr. Rudi Krumbholz (KD Pharma)與安特衛普大學密切合作,不斷優化純度和濃度的提純工藝,並在Omega-3魚油領域產生了巨大的變革。不僅如此,在EPA的重要性尚未被科學界廣泛認可時,Jo Wyckmans先生已經率先推進高純度EPA和DHA在臨床健康領域的應用。
20多年後的今天,WHC 與 KD Pharma的合作依然親密如初,WHC全系列產品,無論是海洋動物提取還是全素食Omega-3補劑,均由KD Pharma獨家生產。


15 years ago, Jo Wyckmans, the founder of WHC, was acclaimed by the media as the "Father of Omega-3 in Europe" for his pioneering role in introducing high-dose Omega-3 supplements to the European market. He had been relentlessly committed to research aimed at demonstrating the vital importance of Omega-3 (EPA and DHA) in our diet. For over a decade, Mr. Wyckmans has been exclusively focused on developing cutting-edge nutritional supplements centered on Omega-3. Notably, every fish oil product in the WHC range boasts a coveted IFOS five-star certification and has consistently ranked first on Labdoor.com for six consecutive years.

At the outset of its establishment, WHC made it clear that its products would be manufactured using only the finest pharmaceutical testing techniques and adhering to the strictest environmental standards to ensure a range of products of the highest quality, purity, and reliability.